Envisioning this shoot and the art that would be created was only something I could dream of. Living in North Texas, it is unlikely to find overgrown forests lush with ferns and moss covered trees. Waterfalls? Yeah, you can most definitely rule that one out.
I have never had the opportunity to be able to travel to the Pacific Northwest but I knew in my heart that it was one place I just had to visit. Not just for 'the photoshoot' but mostly for the experience. Seeing photos and videos of this moody environment that is constantly engulfed in misty skies, dark reddish brown woods that maintained their color due to the constant moisture that hung in the air and the lush, deep greens that exploded because of the steady flow of water and nutrients made my soul sing!
If you walk into my home, where my Boudoir Studio (The Babe Cave) is located, you will quickly notice an abundance of plants and greenery. I have always been a nature lover and it wasn't until the pandemic of 2020 when I was 'gifted' the time I needed to learn how to grow and care for my house plants. I told my husband that my goal was to turn our home into a live-in jungle, of sorts. Seeing those plants thrive and caring for them has become more than just a hobby for me; it has become my therapy.
Growing up, I was lucky enough to be raised and live in a neighborhood that is unlike your typical suburb. My sisters and I were constantly surrounded by nature and even in Texas, those 'woods' felt like a forest. I spent most of my days in those woods, exploring, building forts, getting muddy and imagining. I tell you all of these things in hopes that the understanding of why this outdoor boudoir photoshoot means so much to me.
When we planned this vacation I KNEW I needed to make my dream shoot a reality. I am so beyond grateful to have met Brooke via Instagram. When I told her I would be up in 'her neck of the woods' and wanted to finally make this dream a reality, she responded with the most enthusiasm and for that, I cannot thank her enough. Not only was she willing and able, she was more than capable to put up with me and all my prompts and crazy ideas. It was no more than 50 degrees at the Columbia River Gorge and the water she braved to get the shots had to of been at least 15-20 degrees colder! She is the true MVP here.
An outdoor boudoir experience is truly unlike anything else. All of the accessories are stripped away and you are left with the most essential pieces to creating this art, you & nature. The simplicity, the rawness, it is all so alluring and pure. So, here we are. I have made my dream a reality and now I am left with an overwhelming sense to make this a constant reality. All that is left to do it find those hidden Texas gems and do the damn thing!